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RE: IMPORTANT: About the IODA claims in Youtube

Sent by Balrog22 ( in 25/09/2014 04:15:09

Reply to: IMPORTANT: About the IODA claims in Youtube, sent by root in 06/09/2013 12:20:24

: If you have claims from the IODA or The Orchard in your Youtube videos because of my music, just post here the URLs and I'll pass them to Magnatune in order to get the claims released.
: The IODA maintains the rights of my music in the digital stores (iTunes, Google Play, Amazon) and they automatically send the claims to Youtube, without knowing that my music is licensed under the Creative Commons by-SA. But they remove the claims if the Magnatune staff tells them to do so. So post those URLs!


I received two messages from youtube about two videos where i used two of your titles : "Agnostic" (here at 12:46 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFOi3SE1DSY ) , and "Evil Inside" (here at 1:29 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLTShSc7Sd0 ).

I downloaded the two titles on Jamendo to used them because they are under CC BY-SA 3.0, and with this type of licence i can monetized the youtube videos.

But i received this two messages from youtube :

Due to a copyright claim, you are no longer monetizing the following YouTube video. It is still playable on YouTube, but the copyright owner could choose to show ads on it.

Video title: World of Tanks - Festival 03
Copyrighted song: Agnostic
Claimed by: IODA

Why this can happen

Your video might contain copyrighted content.
A copyright claim on a video can prevent you from monetizing it.

- The YouTube Team


Due to a copyright claim, you are no longer monetizing the following YouTube video. It is still playable on YouTube, but the copyright owner could choose to show ads on it.

Video title: World of Tanks - Festival 02
Copyrighted song: Evil Inside
Claimed by: The Orchard Music

Why this can happen

Your video might contain copyrighted content.
A copyright claim on a video can prevent you from monetizing it.

- The YouTube Team

Thanks to do something.

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