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RE: Concerning IODA copyright claim on YouTube

Sent by root ( in 03/10/2016 15:53:20

Reply to: Concerning IODA copyright claim on YouTube, sent by NerdyRocker713 (aka Ashley Wesley) in 03/10/2016 15:45:30

Hi! I have sent the URLs to my label. A couple of days should be enough waiting.

: Hello Mr. Bautista,
: I recently received a copyright claim from IODA regarding one of your songs, "God Hates Kittens" on 3 of my Dead Pixels gameplay videos. After an internet search I found your forum here with other posts concenering the same matter. Is it possible for you to reach out to your label to have the copyright claim removed? If not I can always mute that section of my video but I thought I would try and reach out to you first. The URLs to my videos are as follows:
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WL7zg0_qSE at 2:17 - 3:52
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvIoSDhyFps at 6:41 - 7:45
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doh4XGw2FO0 at 6:50 - 7:45
: I absolutely love the song by the way!
: Thanks,
: Ashley Wesley (NerdyRocker713)

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